Clients often ask me what to do when their flight is coming up. They’re nervous which I understand! With triggers and stressors for those who get a headache, Neck pain and back into it.
We control our movements though. We control our mind and our mood and our actions. Air temperature might change in the cabin, we may feel cramped, our diet and hydration may be challenged. Delays happen, fatigue, time change and other circumstances change.
Physically, we are carrying backpacks, dealing with kids, stressors, and trying to be on time. It is a physical emotional and sensory experience.
I love to stretch my neck, and my shoulders, and not be in the same position for too long. Getting up in the plane, breathing, twisting and turning. Neck flexion is super important, but not talked about enough! The stretches the base of the neck, the upper neck, and all the paraspinal muscles. This then sets us up to do the head retraction plus extension combination.
Cognitive rest is also not talked about enough! I like to rest my elbows on the tray in front of me, my head on the seat in front of me, close my eyes, and tuck my chin down a bit and breathe. Releases the tension!
I also like to make good hydration choices, minimize alcohol and caffeine, and get my veggies and proteins in. So easy to say, but I know, can be hard to practice! It does get easier with practice though! Be mindful of what you may feel you need, and why. For example, are you reaching for a coffee out of fatigue, out of association of headache without it, out of habit? In the end, make small, smart choices, be forgiving of yourself, and start your road to recovery!