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Writer's pictureKeith Fernandes, PT


Updated: Jan 22, 2022

Headache pain, is a symptom. “Head Ache”, is actually an inflammatory process.

The trigeminal nerve (the nerve that supplies the face) and the cervical nerves (the nerves from the upper neck), provide input to the brain. When there is irritation or strain, this input can lead to what we call a “sensitized brain stem”. This is where the nerves are transmitting so much irritable information to the brain, that the brainstem becomes “excited”, and then projects pain to the head.

Physiotherapy can help. The joints of the neck and jaw are amenable to improvement by movements, exercises, and hands-on therapy (much like other parts of the body). I have specialized training in neck and headache physiotherapy.

With persistent patterns of headache, the brain begins to get used to developing headache, with certain stimuli.

Think of the stimuli as, habitual neck postures, whether sitting, or with certain exercises, or sometimes certain patterns (eg. working at the computer for a certain number of hours, break, going back to work, commuting, after work routine, sleep, repeat).

It is important, that along with physiotherapy, hands on interventions or movement interventions, that you also do your part, to change these above habitual postures, or patterns of life.

Physiotherapy can address . . .

. . . the other patterns that may predispose you to headache, including: stress, diet, hydration, exercise, sleep (and of course assess and treat the neck and head joints). These are all documented, as having effects, on headache presentation.

Keith, The Headache Physio, is able to speak to these points, and give you strategies to help ensure, that you are targeting all potential contributors to headache, in your lifestyle modification.

This content was inspired by a July 2020 presentation at the second annual Watson Headache® Institute International Symposium, by, Mr. Romain Giop, Physiotherapist from Belgium.

Why do I have headache?  Keith Fernandes. Headache Physiotherapy.  Toronto.  Migraine treatment.  Neck care.  Neck pain.  Explaining the pain of headache.  Can physiotherapy help with migraine headaches?

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